OBI-SOFT INNOVATIONS has been formed in response to the increasing demand for better health and safety standards for building inhabitants, due to the prevalence of several building related illnesses. The company has been operating as a private research company, working on various software design developments. The ObiSoft (Sick Building Probability Measuring Software) product is designed based on the results obtained from numerous research studies regarding the health problems experienced by inhabitants of buildings due to Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). Building occupants sometimes experience symptoms like sore throat, cold, headaches, respiratory symptoms/infection and allergies which are sometimes cause by multiple factors present in the building they occupy (HSE, 2019). This software acts as a tool for identifying and measuring the factors that encourage SBS development in buildings. It integrates results from various tests on architectural elements, paints and vanishes, the dimensions of the building or its orientation etc. to give an SBS probability rating for such a building, thereby highlighting the level of SBS present or the risk of its development. Like the smoke and carbon monoxide detector system, the ObiSoft product system mechanics would cause an alarm to be triggered when toxic levels of specific compounds are detected in a built space.


Integrate the on-going research with further research in the UK in other to generate current data for more updated SBS Software tools and systems.
Develop SBS eco-sustainable Framework and design SBS Building software model (there is an existing model which will be upgraded to suit UK weather, building systems and designs).
Develop other software to protect and improve both quality of life and built living/working space.
Provide software installation and consultation, software research hub and software products marketing services.
Provide product after care and maintenance services. The business is currently at the research and development stage hence the pre-revenue stage and expected to reach the product introduction stage within the first year of business.

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